Bee Shopping Assistant

Conceptualizing human interactivity with personalized shopping assistants.

Project Type

Academic - Team Project


February 2021 - April 2021

Team Members

UX Designers (4)


Figma, Miro, Premiere

My Key Responsibilities

Ideation, Field Study, Predispositions, SDCDCKF (Should Do, Can Do, Can Know, and Forms), Semantic Differentials, Concept Relays, Prototyping, Behavioural Exercise

At a glance

The Prompt

“Reimagine a retail experience for 2027.”


The Problem

Shopping at retail stores involves complex wayfinding patterns and lacks uninterrupted employee attentiveness for individual shoppers’ needs.


The Solution

A personalized shopping assistant

  • Guided in-store navigation to find items

  • Suggestions for making better buying decisions

  • Product details and health-based recommendations


The Process


People enjoy interacting with others in stores.

People struggle to resist purchasing junk food.

In-person shopping makes it easier to compare brands and ask questions.

People want to select better quality, the most fresh products.


Should Do, Can Do, Can Know, and Forms (SDCDCKF)

Should Do

Adaptive Interactivity & Contactless Inclusivity


Can Do

Combine with Utility


Can Know

Customer Review Platforms



Voice Assistant


Semantic Differentials


In-Store Interactions


Information relay to customers


Concept Relays


Concept Development

Rechargeable Drone Bees

  • Helps customer find product efficiently through navigation and information system.

  • Locates shopping buddy and relays feedback to store.

  • Recommends products based on individual’s health and dietary requirements.



Customer Feedback -
Behavioral Exercise

"In big stores like Sam's Club or Costco, signs are hard to see. 😰"

"It helped me find stuff immediately when I could not find what I was looking for. 😁"

"With the bee, it helped save time by enabling me to find wanted items in a nearby store. 👍"


Fluid - UX Suite


Tie, Dye, and Batik