Fluid - UX Suite

A tool for UX Designers to compile their end-to-end UX Process from the ground up.

Project Type

Academic Project


September 2018 - October 2018

Team Members

Solo UI/UX Designer



My Key Responsibilities

Product Discovery, Ideation, Qualitative User Research: Primary Research (Contextual Inquiry, Stakeholder Interviews, User Personas), Mood Boarding, Information Architecture, Wireframing, Prototyping, Visual Design, System Design

The UX Process

Process Deck

  • Slide 3: The Problem
    Slide 4: Elevator Pitch and Target Users
    Slide 6: Brief Introduction
    Slide 20: Contextual Inquiry and User Personas
    Slide 27: Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
    Slide 31: System Design
    Slide 32: Existing User Journey and Design Flaws
    Slide 36: Redesigned User Journey
    Slide 38: Card Sorting, Affinity Diagramming, and Information Architecture
    Slide 47: Inspiration, Mood Board, and Style Guide
    Slide 67: Task Analysis
    Slide 71: Wireframing
    Slide 93: High Fidelity Prototypes - Iteration 1
    Slide 100: High Fidelity Prototypes - Iteration 2

Jump to specific timestamps using the bottom scrubber or use arrows to switch between slides. Toggle full-screen mode for a better viewing experience.


UI Component Libraries

In-app integration of Apple HIG and material design UI components, icons, color swatches along with accessibility guidelines.



Ability to switch between different workspaces to document various phases of the UX process.


User Persona Profiles

Ability to generate and manager profiles for user personas.


User Persona Sections

Tile sections for user personas including demographics, preferences, goals, pain points, and expertise.


Auto Image Customizations

System-generated suggestions to auto-fill user profile pictures based on gender and ethnicity.


Auto Name Customizations

System-generated suggestions to auto-fill names based on gender and ethnicity.


Demographic Customizations

Custom inspector controls for user demographics.


User Preferences

Custom inspector controls for specific user preferences.


User Goals

A summarized and concise view of use goals described through emojis and one-liners.


User Expertise

Ability to assign user-specific expertise levels.


MAQ Software: Intranet


Bee Shopping Assistant